Hey guess what! I bought myself a domain! What? You already knew? Weird...
Yeah, I feel quite bad about the way this whole messy situation has transpired (it seems messy to me at least). You see, much like you may have done, I went to visit Schism (that's my old site) one day, and it wasn't there. Just like that, gone! So I fumbled around my old host (graffiti.net) to try and find out what had happened. And it seems that they had changed everyone's URLs to a much longer more annoying URL (and the old one was annoying). But what really got my goat was that they had never informed us about the URL change, not even after it happened, unless you went and asked them yourself. Very poor show. Now, I understand that they may just be having some problems their end and so they didn't know that the URLs would change either, but I shall be stubborn and assume that they didn't because I was given absolutely no eplanation of why it had happened, just that I had to use a new URL from now on.
(Hold tight, I'm not done ranting yet)
If I think about it though, I don't have any right to complain, after all, it is a free service. And it may be very a bit clunky but they provided free hosting with no adverts! Now that is a rare thing indeed. So it was good while it lasted, but I think it was time to move on.
I've had a website for...I think *counts on fingers* five years now, and it's jolly well about time I actually forked out some money for it. Not that I really have much stuff to put in this domain, but look how shiny it is! Man, paid webhosting is leagues above free webhosting (and so it should be). I actually get the feeling that the people that host me (hostony.com) actually want to have me there, rather than put up with me until I stop hanging around. I could get used to it. I'm not sure I could get used to spending the money, but dollars are so much easier to spend than pounds!
So, the new layout. I think part of the reason I bought this domain was because I wanted to make a new layout. More specifically, I wanted to make a layout featuring Franz Ferdinand! I. Think. Franz. Ferdinand. Are. Awesome. They really are! I love all of their songs. I have recently been very much into 'Shopping for Blood', hence the 'I taste of nothing' tagline. All in all, it seems a bit pretentious, I like it. Although one day I will learn how to make more exciting layouts.
Let me talk you through the new features of this site (am I boring you yet?), there aren't many because I just copied and pasted what I had in the old site. But! You might notice that I've actually bothered to use a blogging script this time. The script is b2evolution (there's a link on the about page). I don't really have anything to compare it with, but so far I like it. It makes blogging easier, hopefully I'll post a lot more frequently than I did, and it seems like you can fully customise it (by wading through the mire of php, I don't understand php). Annnd, the blog script allows people to post comments on my entries! Really, I've no idea how many people read this thing, but I'd be interested to see. If you read my blog, I'd love to know, post a comment! You don't have to of course, but you could if you wanted to and that's what matters (isn't it?)
Er...my domain also came with it's own lovely forum, so I thought I'd make use of it (there's a link to it up there in the menu section). It replaces that tired old message board that I used to have. So feel free to use it, you don't have to log in to post I don't think, but you can if you want. Of course, if no-one uses it, I can roll around it and talk to myself.
I decided that as I was moving on, so to speak, by buying a domain, that perhaps there were some things I should leave behind. I always had the nagging feeling that people didn't like nor understand Moo's presence. I thought that maybe I should remove Moo from the site because she just made it more annyoing. However, as soon as I even contemplated this idea a whole argument between myself and Moo rose unbidden in my mind. She came across as very strong-willed and determined to stay, as anyone would if they were facing the end of their existance. So I caved in and she can stay. I'll be reducing her involvement in blogging, but she'll turn up every now and again.
It's odd, I'm quite certain that Moo is not real and yet she seems to have developed a life of her own over the years...Or maybe I'm just too fond of her to let go.
What do you think? Should I keep Moo around when I blog like I used to? Or should I just let her simmer in the background?
And one final thing to this really really long post. I was thinking that maybe I might like to draw a doujin. Not one to actually publish and sell, but just a short story to put on the internet. If I did, do you have any ideas on the fandom I should chose? I was thinking maybe LOTR, but it would have to be the Silmarillion because the trilogy itself seems to be too complete for me to add any more. And I think maybe not enough people have read the Silmarillion to be interested. Of course this is all just speculation at this point.
So yeah, I hope you all enjoy it here. I think I will. *puts feet up*