Samuel Pepys...
He lived in 17th century London, he kept a diary, which I'm currently reading. It's really fascinating to read (for me at least), but perhaps I've been reading it for too long when I find myself creating a...
Samuel Pepys - CCS CLAMP crossover??
Umm...your guess is as good as mine.
So I made up a diary entry:
1664, September.
9th. Up betimes and to my office, and busy all the morning. At noon to Sir W. Batten's for dinner, where a great number of people I did not know. Among them, Mr. Reade, a Chinese man, only the second I did see in my life. He had a strange manner, but spoke English without fault nor accent, such that, if I were not to look upon him, I would have thought him to be English himself! When we told him of such, he informed us that his father was an Englishman, which I find to be a very odd thing. By and by we fell to the singing of songs and the making of music, I upon the fiddle. At our request, Mr. Reade sung for us a Chinese song, he sung it well, though the song was not to my liking. And so we, mighty merry, until late. Once again; it worries me how quick I am to forget my oath against the drinking of wine.
And I added a fanart for good measure. (click for big)

It's not AU, it's canon! Well it could be, a little, if you squint your eyes and tilt your head a bit. How old was Clow anyway?
good work indeed. did I know not better, I would that entry were genuine pepys. how did one accomplish pattern of check on the garments?