Old rocks and new buns
I'm back home for Easter now ^_^
On the way home, my parents and I stopped off at Avebury. There is a stone circle there that dates back 5000 years or something stupid. There's also a large man made hill which I think is around the same age. It's really strange to see the stones, even if a few of them are missing now. Some of them are really large, and the circle itself is really wide, half the village is built in the middle of the thing. Very odd, you can't go there and not wonder what it all means. The road we left the village on had stones either side of it (it was like the road ran through an avenue of the stones), it felt kinda weird to go past those.

Yesterday I went on a baking spree again and made hot cross buns. A bit stodgey, but they tasted right.

Sadly, I watched Supersize Me yesterday and now I don't feel like eating them. I must eat only vegetables, fish and water otherwise I'll get a heart attack and die! (this'll last a day, then I'll be back on the prawn crackers again).
Also, the xxxHolic anime OP looks good, I like the music too. When is the subbed version of the first episode coming out? *impatient impatient*
don’t know about taste but dem buns looks goood