Table of Contents
1. Olympics
2. Henry V
3. Birthday shenanigans
5. AOB (aka I'm going to talk about the Olympics some more)
1. Olympics

Oh wait. That's the wrong song. I mean this one. I don't normally like a rap, but I do like this song. It was nice to see the Arctic Monkeys too.
So. Would you believe that I've never seen an Olympic Opening ceremony before? At least not since I can remember anyway. Normally they're on in the middle of the night and things related to sport really don't get me going so I tend to forget to watch them. But, seeing as I live in London, I thought I should probably put some effort in and turn the TV on this time.
It was very enjoyable for the most part. I'm surprised that this country was able to put on a show that was so well done. Haha. And I also discovered that I'm a massive hypocrite because things that are overtly patriotic make me feel kinda uncomfortable, and yet I actually shed tears during the opening ceremony. (I'm a loser, apparently.) Continuing on my hypocritical line, I like the fact that the ceremony wasn't completely 'woo, we're amazing' but also had a note of 'God, we've been bastards for centuries, haven't we?' Yes. Yes we have.
Other highlights included the Queen jumping out of a helicopter with James Bond. In fact, I can hear a helicopter above me now. She must be circling.
I also thought the fireworks were pretty fantastic. Normally I find fireworks a bit of a let down, but these were rather impressive. And. I HEARD THEM FROM MY FLAT. Guys, I heard the fireworks! I don't live anywhere near the Olympic Park but I heard them as a low distant rumbling. I wasn't expecting that at all. It was quite eerie.
The other good thing about the Olympic opening ceremony was that I was able to check my emails, browse the abstracts of some academic papers, shop for ink cartridges online, tidy the fridge and play some online games while it was going on. God, the parade of Olympic teams lasted for a looong time. Good for getting stuff done.
As for actual sport, I've been trying to watch some today, but it's mostly been on the TV in the background while I've not been paying attention at all. If watching the Olympics was an Olympic sport, I don't think I'd be winning any medals any time soon.
2. Henry V
I watched the last part of The Hollow Crown trilogy quadrilogy 4ilogy those four shows.

Henry V
(aka Let's have another war with France. You know. For shits and giggles.)
I enjoyed this one more than both parts of Henry IV. But it was still mostly about some boring fighting. And it had none of the style and razzmatazz of Richard II. (The BBC kinda shot themselves in the foot by showing the best adaptation first, I think, because the other three would have been fine if there hadn't been Richard II to compare them to.)
It's been jolly nice to watch some Shakespeare each weekend though. I wouldn't complain if the BBC wanted to do it again.
3. Birthday shenanigans
No wait. Wrong song again. I mean this one :D I think there's supposed to be an age where you start hating birthdays because it reminds you of how old you are (I turned 28 this week). Idk. I still enjoy getting older. ONE MORE YEAR UNDER MY BELT! Obviously, I haven't reached the birthday-hating age yet.
Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! Have a look at my selection of cards.

Shout outs to Nick for sending me a card of a cat dressed as Eminem (top left) and to Linda for sending me a card that's about as 2012 as you can get - a Keep Calm and Carry On, Cath Kidston style, Jubilympic card from Moonpig (top right).
The card I'm going to feature this year though (sorry Nick and Lin) comes from Steve and Heather. Because it was handmade with superb skill and a loving attention to detail.

Thanks, guys. I'm glad you remember that my birthday is in 'approximately July'. Just like I'll be excited to go to your wedding in approximately March :D
In addition to all that, my parents gave me some jolly lovely presents. Here, take a look.

Cooking things. To fuel my current cooking-spree.

Cute things. Including a cat handbag and (I didn't even know this existed before this week) Hello Kitty pasta.

Books! I've read so much good American literature this past year, so I'm really excited to be able to read Huckleberry Finn too. The London book, I thought might be a bit twee, but is actually really interesting. I particularly liked the bit that explained how Westminster Abbey, when it was first built, was situated on an island in a marsh in the middle of nowhere.
Speaking of historical London, my parents came to visit for my birthday and we went on a walk around London's old defensive wall. I've been wanting to do this walk for years!
It wasn't an easy walk though. Half of the plaques along the route that are supposed to guide you have now disappeared. And the remains of the wall itself only exist in a few places, which are normally hidden and out of the way.
That said, it's fascinating to walk the length of the wall and imagine London how it used to be. (The wall was first built by the Romans and then modified extensively during the middle ages.) It's almost hard to believe that, once upon a time, the entirety of London took up such a small space. Also hard to imagine a time when the world was so dangerous that you had to build a massive wall to protect you from whoever's outside the city.
So, yes. I enjoyed the walk a lot, and it was especially fun to find all the quiet, hidden spots and gardens in the City that you can walk past daily without ever realising they're there.

Looking towards the Tower of London.

Emperor Trajan, chilling by the wall.

To find this part, you had to walk through a hotel car park to get to a small courtyard.

We found some Olympic mascots too. These are marking a special Olympic walk around London, that we just happened to bisect when we were on ours. This mascot is Cockney Wenlock, near Aldgate.

Bishopsgate Wenlock, near, well, Bishopsgate.

In a small garden that used to be a churchyard before the church was demolished, but is now just a green space behind an office block.

A church that's still standing. This one is literally two minutes' walk from the last photo. The concentration of churches within the City is astonishing. Goes to show how many people used to live there.
5. AOB (aka I'm going to talk about the Olympics some more)
A little bit of ribbon came with my birthday presents. It's making me feel very Jubilympic so I thought I might practice my 'Go Team GB!' face.

But, guys. If you really want to get into the Olympic spirit. If you really want to feel it. What you need to do is the following:
Once - just once! - per day.
a) Hum this tune.
b) While doing something in slow motion.
It doesn't have to be running. You could be eating breakfast in slow motion. You could be plugging your phone in to charge - in slow motion. You could be taking a dump - in slow motion.
Come on, guys! I know you can do it! This is what the Olympics is all about!
Comment from: Janine Member
Comment from: Nick Visitor
Kind words Janine, but let’s face it Linda just didn’t deliver this year!
Comment from: Janine Member
No intentional slagging was going on! Your card was proper quality. It made me giggle right good.
Comment from: linda Visitor
or is mine second best?
Comment from: Linda Visitor
did you just publicly slag my card off?
Comment from: Janine Member
It is sooooo cuuuuute!
Comment from: Nick Visitor
My card might not be handmade, but it is the cutest!! That cap!!
Nick, you need to feel this card. It is proper quality. I am srsly impressed with the moonpig now.