I hate that cardigan
Do you remember I said I done a picture of Tieria from Gundam00? Well here it is. I inked it badly then coloured it. I quite like colouring things shoddily at the moment, for which I apologise, but it's quick, and I quite like the effect it gives. Anyway, the main point of me drawing this picture was that I wanted to try to make the pose as realistic as possible.

It was quite difficult to try and make Tieria look male, especially when he insists on wearing that stupid cardigan. Seriously. I doubt any of the other characters can actually take him seriously when he's wearing it. I know I can't. But the thing I like about Tieria is that he doesn't act like someone who should be wearing a pink cardigan. Mostly he bitches at people for doing everything wrong, and makes Allelujah sit on the naughty step (and I laughed so hard when I saw that).
My current second favourite character from Gundam00 may just be Patrick, the pilot for the AEU, because his ego is hilarious.
Oh, but what I would do to see Yun Kouga's original character designs. I want to see them so bad. I bet they're beautiful.
In better anime (no, seriously) news. I watched the film Paprika the other day. I enjoyed it. The plot wasn't the best I've seen, but I liked the whole dream logic to it. And you know that I love anything that's about dreams; in this case, about a machine that allows the users to sit in on each other's dreams. And the character design wasn't my favourite (although I loved Chiba's character design for some reason). But. But! Some parts of the animation were just, sublime. The scene where Chiba runs along then turns into Paprika, and the way she runs changes ever so subtly but still perceptibly...I have no words for how much I love that part. There are other parts, but I can't list them all. But the thing I loved most about the film was the theme tune as heard in this trailer. There is something about that tune that I find completely engrossing. I have been listening to it non-stop all day. My problem with the film was that they don't use the theme tune enough D:
So I've been slightly wrapped up in the spirit of the film for the past two days. The chase scenes in the film got me all excited. I spent all of yesterday wishing I could just run through the wall or out of the window or into a painting. But sadly I wasn't asleep, and was in the middle of a lecture, so I don't think it would have gone very well if I had. But I really want to jump into a painting!
On a related note, I think my ability at dream recall is increasing. I mean, I've always been good at remembering my dreams, but recently I've been mentally noting them when I wake slightly in the middle of the night, and now I'm recalling a number of dreams per night. I can remember at least three distinct dreams that I had last night, maybe even four. And I remember parts quite vividly too. (You know, I think that getting more sleep than I used to is really helping). And last night, or this morning rather, my final dream was a lucid one. I'd had a dream that I was at the beach, then woken up and thought something along the lines of 'what a weird beach that was'. After this I dozed off again and found myself back on the same beach. It took a couple of minutes, but then I suddenly remembered that, 'hold on, I was just thinking about this, it's a dream'. I can remember that the thing I really wanted to do in my dream when I became lucid was to go rush into the sea, but I got too excited and woke up. (I was rubbing my hands together to try to stay in the dream, but at the same time, because I was waking up, I could see my hand beside my pillow, and saw that I wasn't actually rubbing my hands together, so it didn't really work.)
Things I learnt from my dreams last night:
- don't throw your rubbish into the sea
- it is possible to kidnap someone on Tottenham Court Road
- an old church converted into a London underground station would be the best thing ever
I have to say that, at the moment, going to sleep is the best part of the day. I actively look forward to it.
Note to self:
Why on Earth did you think that a couple of hours would be sufficient to learn the whole history of English land law?
Note to old dead guys:
Stop making the system so confusing! Legal fictions? Who thought that would be a good idea?
Comment from: Janine Member
Comment from: Nick Visitor
Do you think anybody is interested in your dreams, Janny???
I’m just getting them out there. You know. Getting them out. Airing them off. Letting everyone see. Yeah that’s the spirit. Give ‘em a good look and send ‘em on their way. Like a loaf of bread in the baker’s window. ‘It’s so tasty Mr Baker. Can I have a slice?’ ‘No you can’t little child. The flies have got to it first. What do you think they’re going to have for their dinner otherwise, eh? Mange-touts? Mange-touts aren’t good for flies. Everyone knows that. Are you a retard?’