Wow. I didn't mean to be away for so long, I just kind of ran out of energy to write on my blog.
So, I wasn't around this weekend because I went to Luxembourg to visit Linda who lives there now (no, I don't know why either). But Luxembourg seems fun, and Linda seems happy, so it's all good. This trip was less sight-seeing-y than our last trip to Luxemboug, and more going-out-y. There was also cheese. Here follows a description of the trip in photographic form:

We saw a Razorlight concert, despite the fact that
none of us are huge Razorlight fans. We're so hardcore.

Steve got hugged by A STAG.

There was some standing around in holes.

...No reason for this photo, I just lkind of liked it.
I've suddenly realised the lack of photos of Linda that I have from this trip. I only have two, and they're both AWFUL. So, sorry Linda, if you're reading. I am a BAD friend.
Since I've been back I've been tired, and also cold, because my radiator chose the coldest time of the year to stop working.
I was also itching to make an AMV because I have finally jumped of the ledge of good upstanding citizen and into the pit of LOSER. I couldn't hold back any longer. I have spent so long trying to get windows movie maker to work this week, it's not funny. When I finally did get it working, it ran far too slow for my needs (God, why do I try to break my teeth on flamenco of all things? Why not an easy ballad?). Anyway, after around four hours I managed to come up with 15 (count 'em) 15 seconds of AMV that is almost not awful, but kind of is, because I commited the horror of all horrors, and used subtitled video clips.
You can download it if you like, in all it's 1MB glory. The file is a wmv though, so I apologise if you don't have windows and can't watch it, because I'm too tired to change it to anything else.
Download here.
Let's see, the video comes from Code Geass, episode 7, the only one I have that I could use. And the music is the intro to an awesome song by Rodrigo y Gabriela called Diablo Rojo (buy the album guys, it's super-duper).
Right, well, I give up with AMVs, they're just too difficult. *wipes hands free of the whole sorry mess*
In the world of everything non-AMV, I started off the day badly today by dreaming about cute little kittens, which DIED. Then at work, I had to deal with two researchers who had been double booked. I'm not sure if the double booking was my fault, or my bosses, but I felt awful for upsetting people, especially because one of the researchers was a kind-of famous old thesbian actor. Gah!
I'm still working my way through The Master and Margarita. I've just got to the part, mostly, where Margarita meets Woland. I like Behemoth, he's almost like the comic relief, aww. Also, I'm sure Woland is not supposed to be attractive, I'm sure (if I repeat that enough I might start believing it) asfhjkadgl.
Comment from: Janine Member
Comment from: stevie Visitor
itn’t it “boss’s ” not, ” bosses” ?
Comment from: Janine Member
“Woland’s voice was so low-pitched that on certain syllables it faded off into a mere growl.”
Comment from: Mariya Visitor
Oh no, I think Voland is supposed to be attractive!
Shush you. Pointing out my grammatical mistakes like some kind of grammatical-mistake-pointer-outer. Personally, I think it would be boss’ rather than boss’s, but I’ve a feeling that it’s a matter of personal preference rather than a hard and fast rule.