I told ya!
Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys!
Do you want to listen to something hilarious? Of course you do. They are playing stand-up from cheeky geordie, Ross Noble, on the radio every Tuesday. You can listen to the show after it's aired by going here and clicking on 'listen' under where it says Ross Noble.
Ross Noble is one of my favourite stand-up comedians (I saw him live about a year ago); he is so random, and he makes almost everything up as he goes along, it's really quite amazing.
Re: my last post
Here's the Subaru fanart I told you about. (click for big yadda yadda)

I wanted to make ammends for my previous Subaru fanart, which was awful, truly awful. So this one is done in a different style. I think I made him look more girly than normal, which I really didn't think was actually possible, but what did I know. Also also, where on Earth are his gloves?! How can you draw Subaru and forget his gloves?! I think I must have passed out or something and missed them.