Gains Of 3-4 Inches Are Not Uncommonm
I've been gone a while. Sorry about that. I was busy doing things. Here, have a list of all the things I was doing.
1. James and Eppa's housewarming
2. Snow weekend
3. Mysterious animals
4. Then the pain
5. Musical accompaniment
1. James and Eppa's housewarming
This was a cheap and cheeful housewarming party involving fish and chips, pissing in a flaky bathroom, the macarena, and a train-station-to-train-station trek through central London.
Also, completely to my surprise, I realised that I have now hooked Heather and Eppa onto caramelldansen. When two people, who you'd always thought were sensible, normal people, suddenly, and with no external prompting, start doing the caramelldansen dance, it is a moment of triumph :D
So, there was plenty of YouTubing, in which we watched the video in question. (It's nearly on its way to 40,000 hits now. Holy Moly.) Then we watched the lovingly-made mash-up, which I am really quite partial to (good call, to whoever made it). Subsequently, we all spent the rest of the weekend humming Barbara Streisand. I'm sorry, guys D: but it was also really fun.
Oh, yeah. We went and had a look at how the Shard Building is progressing too.

It's so tall! And so exciting! I'm a fan. When this beast is finished, I'm going to see if I can't go up it.
2. Snow weekend
Last weekend we finally had some snow! I went to the Saatchi Gallery with Susan just before the heavens opened. I did enjoy getting some culture, but the artwork there didn't catch my interest as much as on my previous visits. Shame.
The snow was fun though. I got to wear my new wellies. Then it melted. Hooray! Let's hope it doesn't come back. Snow, you are fun but also well annoying.
3. Mysterious animals
So, this appeared in my kitchen the other day.

I asked my flatmate about it, who told me that he'd found it up a tree :|
The most disconcerting thing is the fact that I kept forgetting it was there. For about two days I jumped each time I went into the kitchen. (I think maybe I am more scared of tigers than I first realised.)
4. Then the pain
You know, if you want to make things extra embarrassing, then you wait until all the snow has melted before you fall over. And for the place to do it, you decide to choose the middle of a busy crossing, in front of all the pedestrians and the drivers. And if you really really want some embarrassment, don't think of a good reason to trip, just fall off your own high heels. Yeah. That'll do it.
So, I sprained my ankle on Tuesday. In the middle of a pedestrian crossing, just as the lights were about to change. One minute, I was walking along, the next, I was on the floor. Because I didn't relish the thought of being run over, I scrambled up and dashed across the rest of the road. Then I stood at the side of the pavement thinking 'Oh Jesus. Oh Jesus. It hurts. I can't walk. I can't walk. I'm stranded.'
Luckily, it wasn't too bad a sprain and I could walk on it. Ok, well, hobble. I could hobble on it. So I hobbled to the bus stop and then I hobbled home. And I've been hobbling ever since. And my ankle has swollen up. And apparently these things can take weeks to heal.
Paracetamol-ed up, in my grotty trainers and elasticated ankle support, I am so graceful right now, guys. Like a butterfly!
Ah, but today I don't have to leave the house or walk anywhere. I am taking a breather and it's amazing.
Thankfully, I also have my new hobby to keep me occupied. Guys, if you're ever bored, just try reading your spam emails out loud in funny voices. What am I doing with my life? It is worth it.
5. Musical accompaniment
This section is for Steve (if you're reading) and anyone else who might share my taste in music. Here are some of the songs I've got on repeat right now:
Duck Sauce - Barbara Streisand
Justice - Newlands
The Rapture - How Deep is Your Love?
Comment from: Janine Member
(Hint: It’s me.)
I have never found anything up a tree so nice as that giant tiger! Wow.
I hope your ankle is feeling much better now/soon!
I like Barbara Streisand, too!
Have you ever heard of a book called Among Others, by Jo Walton? I think you would like it.
The giant tiger looks a little manky when you’re close up though, so I wouldn’t call it nice. Luckily it has now emigrated from the kitchen, which means I don’t have to get a fright each time I go in.
Thanks for the ankle well-wishes! I think it’s going to take me a while before I can walk without a limp, but at least the swelling has started to go down now. (This time last week, I didn’t have a foot, merely a giant, fleshy lump at the end of my leg. With toes.)
I’ve never heard of Among Others. I had a quick read of the summary on Amazon though and it sounds interesting! If you’ve recced it, then it must be good, so I’ll have to add it to my ‘to get’ list :D