One piece of coursework down!
Now I just need to finish the other piece that's due on Thursday, then I'm free to focus on even more pieces of coursework, that I haven't even started yet! Alright!
And I'm paying to be put through this? Good lord.
It is waaaaay past my bedtime. And unlike the last week, in which I was scott free, I have to go in to uni tomorrow, and in the morning too. But I'm too tense to sleep now.
Mostly it took me this long to finish the coursework because I spent a large part of the evening drawing Tieria (and his horrible cardigan). I think it requires inking, so I'll put it up when that's done.
Hmmmm....I've had the same 10 songs on repeat for the past 4 days. I think I can feel my brain melting.
Hurrah deadlines. The feeling is almost nostalgic.