They new layout is up! Crikey, messing with all the php and css code for the blog gets annoying when you don't know what you're doing. I've tried to check everything, but if you do stumble across a link that doesn't work, or anything else that looks buggy, please let me know.
So. The story of this layout is this. When I mentioned that I was thinking about a new layout, and did anyone have any pictures I could use, Mariya kindly said that I could use any of her batiks (check them out here). I played around with a few of them, but this one of Venice seemed to work the best (I really like the sky in it; it has a lot of character), the colours work well too. And I've noticed that I seem to like red in my graphics at the moment; I can't help it. So, thanks to Mariya for letting me use your art!
In other news, I've been having vivid dreams recently. The night before last I dreamt that I was in Edinburgh. There was a very pleasant, intelligent, well-mannered Scottish gentleman there, who was saying that he enjoyed returning to Edinburgh, but he never had the time to see it, because he spent all his time there searching for papers and warrants. Throughout the dream, and once I woke up, I thought that this gentleman must have been Jonathan Strange (he was a scholar of sorts, and I think he grew up in Scotland), but some things, like being Scottish, just didn't fit. It was only once I'd been awake for a while that I hit upon the truth. The gentleman in my dream was none other than James Boswell! I'm reading The Life of Samuel Johnson by Boswell at the moment, and you really get the feeling that he did a lot of painstaking research for it; also, and importantly, Boswell was Scottish! So, being offered this insight into my subconscious, what I've realised is that I think I've got a bit of a crush on Boswell. It's a shame, that when I finally sought out a picture of him he doesn't quite live up to my expectations. Oh well, I think I'll stick with my imagination on this one. It would never have worked out between us anyway, what with him being deceased for the past 200 years and all.
Other dead people that are hot: Harley Granville Barker (there's a decent sized photo on this page)
I had to try to locate his will at one point for work, and I just thought of him as some old guy. Then I came across some photos of him at work, and I was all HOMG, is this the same person? Man oh man.