Today I am full of woe.
Because I have to:
a) revise
- How am I supposed to write for an hour on three of these topics? I can probably do 5 minutes, but an hour? Hopefully more revision will make things crystal clear. I wish I had more revision time; suddenly 3 days doesn't sound like enough.
b) dissertation
- I'm meeting the people that I'll be doing my dissertation with for the first time tomorrow morning. I am panicking now, because I have no idea what I am doing for this dissertation. What on Earth do I say to these people? Hopefully I'll understand more after the meeting. Hopefully.
And I was speaking to Steve on the phone earlier, and complaining about all my woe, and he suggests
"Have you tried getting over it?"
Best advice I could get really. I shall indeed try to "get over it". Wish me luck!
But the good part about today is that I found what must undoubtedly be the best Gundam00 fanart site in existence: here. The fanart is mostly Graham and Billy, and some Lockon, and I'm not really interested in fanart of Graham and Billy, but you know, I don't actually care, because the artwork on this site is so good and so well done that I love all of it, no matter the character. Seriously. Beautiful beautiful artwork. I have no words. I actually have no words. I am in awe...
And on that lovely note, I'm off to bed. Goodnight.