Yay for new songs! Sorry for not replying earlier; I only got around to downloading them this morning.
Around the world with guitars = super
I don’t really mind if there’s not much on the MSTRKRFT album. I mean, I have a lot of their remixes already. Also, I’m only getting the album because I feel some sort of obligation to buy stuff from artists that I really enjoy. You know, to show that I respect their music enough to actually pay for it.
Also, buying Kelly Clarkson? I’d rather staple Scott Mills to my eyelid thanks.
Yay for new songs! Sorry for not replying earlier; I only got around to downloading them this morning.
Around the world with guitars = super
I don’t really mind if there’s not much on the MSTRKRFT album. I mean, I have a lot of their remixes already. Also, I’m only getting the album because I feel some sort of obligation to buy stuff from artists that I really enjoy. You know, to show that I respect their music enough to actually pay for it.
Also, buying Kelly Clarkson? I’d rather staple Scott Mills to my eyelid thanks.