some watching some reading
I had an awful day at uni yesterday. We spent the morning talking about dissertations *shudder* and then I had the worst lecture ever (and it was supposed to be my most interesting module this term)!
@New lecturer: Shape up or ship out.
So today (after a morning in the library mind) I spent my time watching and reading stuff.
The watching:
So its time for new anime to watch again. Which is good, because most of the shows I'm watching are lagging because there are no subs. I keep having to watch normal TV! Its awful.
So I watched a show called Spice and Wolf. It wasn't as bad as I thought it might be, and Horo, the wolf lady, was quite likeable, despite spending the whole episode naked. But I'm worried it might turn out to be a bit boring. It's set in generic western pastoral village. I hate generic western pastoral villages. Everything I've ever watched with generic western pastoral villages in it (Romeo and Juliet anyone?) has been AWFUL. If it was a set time and place I would love it. If you told me it was set in rural Somerset in 1750 I'd be all over it. But the makers can't be bothered to do the research so generic it is. I am bored already. But I'll keep watching the show for a bit longer. The first episode wasn't horrific after all.
Then I watched a show called Persona, which is based on a video game. As it's based on a video game, the plot doesn't sound to innovative, so it might end up a little dull. But. But! The character designs are beautiful. So even if it gets boring I might be happy to keep watching anyway. And. The ending credits don't seem to have much to do with the show, but the visuals are so wonderfully surreal that it got me a little giddy:

The reading:
Then I read the latest Tsubasa chapter. I wish CLAMP would stop pulling the carpet from under my feet when I just get to grips with the plot. WHATS GOING ON? WHO'S WHO? STOP CHANGING THE BOUNDARIES.
@CLAMP: I love it. Don't stop ever. But please explain to me what is going on, because my poor little brain can't understand no more.