Rocking out
I was going to open up Gundam00 episode 11 again to make me some macros, but I ended up just watching the best bits instead.
I have come to realise that Hallelujah is brilliant. Proper kill everyone mental. And Allelujah is all, 'nooo! I don't want to kills the people!' and then he does, while screaming at the same time. THIS SHOW IS GREAT. Well, for a given value of great. It isn't GREAT, but it sure keeps me entertained for 30 minutes each week.
Speaking of which, is there an episode airing next week? Not that it matters, because I'm going to be at home with my parents. And everyone will be all 'Woo! It's Christmas!' and I'm going to be all 'WHERE IS MY GUNDAM00'.
In Tieria news, I'm pretty sure that he's a robot/computer now, and not a girl. I've convinced myself because his eyes keep glowing, and everybody knows that glowy eyes = computer. When my suspicions are confirmed I will go and listen to Robot Rock on repeat for a fortnight. Not that I can see Tieria rocking out, unless rocking out = standing around disapprovingly in corridors. But if he did rock out, maybe it would be a bit like this (10 points for enthusiasm here, but -20 for style). Nope, I'm pretty sure that Lockon is the only one that would know how to rock out in this show; oh, and Patrick too, bless him.
I was going to do some research about records management today, but then it was 5pm already, and all I'd done so far was let in the man to read the electricity meter. So I started drawing more Clematis (although, maybe you won't see this page for another month, if you go by my current track record).
And tomorrow, although James has skanked us for family, Linda and I will be going to see Steve's flat /o/