I have been really busy recently.
Here are the essentials:
1. So I didn't get the job. Never mind, that's the way the cookie crumbles.
2. I'm currently applying for more jobs. Filling in application forms takes so much time D:
3. I went to a music festival with James and Steve. It was well fun, and we only got rained on once. Also there were nachos. Awesome.
4. I had a birthday last week. I am now half-way to 50. Good golly. I went to see Theresa, and we baked cakes :D Also, I bought a ruddy lovely new skirt, which has made me realise that my current tights situation is dire.
5. Song of the moment, to keep me going through the applications, is aNYway by Duck Sauce, to which it is impossible not to boogie.
I just bought new tights. And leggings D:
I am now officially a victim of fashion. Oh no!