My obituary
I liked this:

'What will your obituary say?' at
I would love to die rampagingly, that would be amazing. But shut up I have no idea what they mean about the prostitutes >_>
Speaking of death, seeing as we're on the subject, in recent months I have discovered two great ideas for funerals.
1. Nick mentioned that he would have his funeral in Rio.
2. Steve said he'd play the Darth Vader theme instead of a funeral march.
I spent most of today trying not to apply for this job that I really want to get (as the thundercats would say, "Procrastination! Ho!", that was the thundercats right? I have been known to confuse them with He-man on occasion). I also went to the hospital with my Dad to get his hernia looked at.
The air was really thick and heavy this afternoon. Then it thundered. It was wonderful. But now it's hot again.
I'm going on a trip for the next two days because I have to go graduate. It should be exciting but I hope my gown isn't too hot. By the time I come back Tsubasa chapter 121 should be out and the next entry will probably be filled with my spazzing or crying, depending on how it goes; only time will tell.
*gasp* And I almost forgot! These CLAMP interviews are interesting.
Here and here.
See especially, the reason for the all the eye loss business, the reason for the xxxHolic drawing style and also by God they can draw 20 pages in 2 days??? They must be machines!