It's the final countdown
Deedledeedoo deedledeedeedoo ddeedledeedoo deedledeedeedoodoo....
No, before you start in horror, this is not a crass joke about the death of Richard Whitely. In fact, I choose the tune because it seems quite fitting, seeing as I only have *counts* roughly 24hrs left in the US before I fly back to the UK.
I am not quite sure what to make of this situation. I am currently fluctuating between excitement, depression and denial.
In less transitional news:
I updated Clematis
As I said on the page, updates are going to be slow-er from now on. All I can see ahead of me for the next few months is school work, so I don't think I'll have much time. But I'll see if I can try to squeeze some drawing in somewhere.
It turns out that the past weekend was a rather drawing-y one for me. Because I also drew a fanart for Clipped Wings (click for big)

Clipped Wings is kind of special for me, because I've been reading it for ages (read: over two years). It's, I think, the first good webcomic that I came across (I was delighted to find it, as I had some time to kill before an exam later that day, so I spent the whole morning reading it while playing 'Mad World' from Donnie Darko on loop, in fact I still find it hard to listen to the song without thinking of the webcomic and vice versa).
This picture is of Jonas, the main character, who is a rather unlucky soul. I wanted to try and keep the feel of the comic in the picture, hence the bird and the art deco (I wasn't sure whether to go for art deco or art nouveau, but I went for art deco because it feels more hotel-y to me (and you find loads of it around New York). I cannot realy explain the picture any further, except to say that I chose to draw a cockatoo because they always seem really aggressive to me and I wanted to add an unsettling feeling to the whole thing.
Now! To return to packing!
Deedledeedoo deedledeedeedoo...