I went home for the weekend, to see my parents. It was pretty whistle-stop though, because I'm back again, and ready for another day in lectures tomorrow. Well, I would be more ready if I was actually doing some coursework right now, but...well...you can't have everything.
Have some bullet points, because I don't think I'm up to prose at the moment.
1) I went to the opticians and found out that I have to get new glasses. That's kind of annoying. New glasses are expensive. Luckily I get 30 pounds off for being a student. I found a pair I like, I think I'll go and order them tomorrow. But at least I will be able to see the overheads a bit more clearly in class now (I thought I just couldn't read the handwriting).
2) I am drawing some Clematis right now (reason #1 for not doing any coursework). Hopefully the page'll be done some time this week. I've really been wanting to draw some Clematis all weekend. I have been inspired by a) listening to some Franz Ferdinand for the first time in ages (somewhere along the line, Franz Ferdinand songs and Clematis have become linked in my brain) and b) finding a really beautiful Japanese fanart site (maybe if I practice drawing hard enough I'll be that good some day).
3) I watched the film 'If...' yesterday. It's a very good film. It starts off in a public boarding school and is very Tom Brown's School Days, but the further you get into it the more surreal it becomes. I think maybe it was more metaphorical than straight surreal, but what it was a metaphor for, I'm not quite sure. Anyway, very nice direction, I would recommend watching it.
4) CLAMP in Wonderland 2! I've only watched the low quality version so far, but I'm enjoying it. My favourite parts so far: a) Evil Vet!Seishirou b) Ashura! Ashura! Ashura! c) OMG Ioryogi is so cute in his little car!
5) I seem to have developed a fascination with the evolution of the English language. I think I'm going to have to read up on this if I ever get time.
6) Maybe I had something more to say, but my memory feels about as cohesive as a...very...um...some sort of not cohesive...thing...
It sure is dark out now that the clocks have gone back.