Food post
*collapses* Why is December always so tiring? Here, have some food photos to make up for it.

Double cheese, potato and ham bake
This is another of those recipes that's never going to look good on a plate. It's nice to eat though. Tastes exactly like you'd expect it to: cheesy, potato-y, ham-y, onion-y, spinach-y. (I couldn't find chives for the top so I used thinly sliced spring onions instead.)

Classic panzanella salad
This was nice enough. I had to use dried basil because I couldn't find fresh but I think I scraped by with that one. And the croutons soaked in the dressing were tasty.

Cheesy vegetarian sausage rolls
I used cheddar and double Gloucester cheese for these. Shockingly, even with all that cheese, they were less greasy than your normal sausage-meat filled sausage rolls. The rosemary meant that they tasted quite like a non-vegetarian sausage roll too. All in all, these were very nice.

Easy Thai fishcakes
I couldn't find Thai red curry paste so I used Thai green curry paste instead; I worried that this would mean that they would turn out horrible, but I was wrong. Seriously, guys, this is the nicest way to eat salmon that I've ever discovered. They are super tasty and super nice. Yum yum yum yum yum. (They're even nicer if you have some sweet chilli sauce to hand too.)

Avocado and tomato dip with cheese straws
I normally find cheese straws too greasy for my own tastes but these weren't bad at all. I put it all down to eating them with the dip, which was really nice.