Drawing a mug for myself
Posted by Janine on 14 Dec 2005 in blog
I spoke to my tutor today. It turns out that my placement report is good, so that's a relief. I don't know the exact mark that I got but, well, that's the way these things go.
I have decided to take it upon myself to get better at photography. I have never been good at taking photographs. Firstly, I don't have a very steady hand, and secondly, all the photos I take are dull, bland and awful. So I'm going to practice to make myself better at it and this basically means taking a photo of anything and everything. (I love my digital camera. Taking as many photos as you like without having to get them developed = <3)
I started yesterday evening. Here are the best ones so far:

Practice makes perfect...or at least, better...hopefully :D