Disco Break
Because writing my postgrad study application is so much fun, I stopped for about an hour to make a new desktop wallpaper for myself.
I was getting bored of my old wallpaper, Fay just seemed too sparkles+rainbows+gay for the mood that Tsubasa seems to have adopted at the moment.
But, seeing as how having a wallpaper of Fay is just about as important to me as, i don't know, BREATHING; I made another Fay wallpaper. This one is slightly more up-to-date and therefore contains SPOILERS for TRC chapter 120 (although I think the whole world and his aunt have probably been spoiled by now).

See, I wanted a picture of Fay beeing more emo. Yes, this is him being emo, can't you tell? The text and the image are quite unrelated. I chose the text because MSTRKRFT, also, for mentions of disco. I chose the picture because it was fairly easy to work with, unlike Pirate!Fay, which is entirely too difficult for me to make a wallpaper out of with the limited time that I have I'M SUPPOSED TO BE WRITING AN APPLICATION YOU KNOW.
Lordy, I think my work is affecting my ability to make graphics. I'm adopting in-house styles! I need to stop looking at 60s promotional material -_-
Comment from: Janine Member
Comment from: stevie Visitor
its good
I’m glad you like it. I am disgustingly proud of it at the moment.