Cartoons are my hot hot sex
So, I'm sure you all want to know how my weekend of sitting at home went.
Death Note: This continues to be as exciting as ever. Also, handcuffed together fist-fights for the win! But, I kinda want the old Light back...
Death Note Live Action Movie: Both Light and L appear to be more morally ambiguous in this one. The best thing about this movie is L, without a doubt. He seems so much more quirky when you see him in the flesh. Aww.
Code Geass: It turns out that Suzaku isn't as boring as he first seems. Lelouch trying to play match-maker with Nunally and Suzaku is quite endearing. But Suzaku chooses the wrong sister! D:
Haha, he's still keeping it the family though. What does that mean for Lelouch???!!!
I don't take this show seriously at all.
Oh I do love watching animation that's of a good quality. There's just something more interesting about watching cartoons than watching live action. Maybe it's the bright colours. Maybe I've never actually grown up.
Speaking of interesting, live action and bright colours, check out this cool music video for The Go! Team.
Onto some scrappy doodles that I wasted my time on last night.

Lelouch. I wanted to try to draw him pretty, like Kamui, because that's the way he's supposed to be. But seeing as I can't draw Kamui pretty like Kamui, Lulu didn't shape up too well.
(Huge Tokyo arc spoilers for the following Fay doodle!)

Drawn to go with the fanfic what I wrote. I can't write to save my life though, so I probably won't release it upon the world any time soon.
Fay scrabbled back to sit on his haunches and surveyed Kurogane with a wild eye.
His parted lips glistened in the moonlight.
How corny! But then, TRC and corny fit together hand and glove. HAND AND GLOVE.