Comment from: Janine Member
Hi! It snowed in NYC this Sunday, and yesterday night, and we’re expeting more snow today. So if you think you’ve got bad, well it took me 2 hours to get from Pelham Parkway to Grand Central via subway this Sunday! Oh, but the most important part of this message is: can you write more about the winter ball? And take some pictures while you’re there?
Good luck with your seminars!
Hurrah for snow! I don’t mind it when I don’t have to go outside. I just mind it when it makes it harder to get places. But surely, it can’t be snowing in New York, it was sunny and hot when I left, so it must still be sunny and hot now.
The ball was fun, but it had its limitations, as these things do. It’s not very posh, just in some big hall, but they had decorated it this year (with some kind of sparkly lights) so it was better than it has been before.
Let’s see…there’s a picture of almost everyone here, but I think Linda was taking the photo because she’s not in it. So there’s a rather flattering picture of Linda and myself here.
Other points of fun were: a line for coats, at the end, that was so long and aggressive that I thought I was going to crushed to death and lots of rain on the way there and back so it messed up my hair. Also, my shoes were very painful by the end of the night, but I suppose that’s the price you have to pay for these kinds of things.
Good times though, good times.