A new background
I started voluntary work at my local record office today. I'm dealing with slides from the 80s, so it's not as interesting as it could be, but it's not work experience unless you experience the bad with the good.
I spent yesterday evening creating a new desktop background for my laptop. Firstly, because I'd had my other one since Easter and secondly, because I clearly can't cope without a picture of Fay in front of me at all times. Click for big, it's 1280x800, take it if you fancy.

Image taken from here then edited, lyrics are taken from Move Your Feet by Junior Senior (which has an awesome video, including exploding dolphins at the end)
I could have gone for angst!Fay, but I wanted sparkles and kittens!Fay, so that's what I made. I was reminded about this image in my last post. It is a brilliant image; it manages to be both wonderfully drawn (so much movement and foreshortening!) and also the current most camp image of Fay that I have seen (no doubt he will up the stakes again at some point).