Robots sans disco?
Oh Jesus I am still so freaking itchy! Those annoying bitey flies! I didn't think they'd do me in for three weeks straight. And everyone's like 'get some anti-histamines, get some anti-histamines', and I don't know, but I'm pretty stupidly stubborn when it comes to medication. It's kind of cheating to take anti-histamines. I should be able to see it out. I mean, surely, my immune system will work better if I leave it alone right? It's only a bit of swelling; that means my body's busy fighting off whatever it needs to fight off.
Unless, of course, my immune system is really over-reacting, in which case, I'll wait until it gets really bad, then go see a doctor. IF I DON'T DIE FIRST.
Anyway, itching aside (even if it's very difficult for me to think of anything else at the moment), I did some proper good tidying up today. Not like the kind of tidying up where things look more tidy afterwards, but the kind of tidying up where you dump all your paperwork onto the bed, then sort it into folders. You don't know how happy sorting everything into the correct folder makes me. I even got that Windows Live Hotmail and sorted all my emails into folders too.
It did take me a lot of procrastinating to get all this organising done though (I'm practising procrastinating for when I'm a student again). I think I've checked my emails and facebook about a million times today. Also, I'm onto episode 5 of Heroes now.
Here's some news, which is probably really old now, but still. So I found out that the new Gundam anime is interesting, because one of its character designers is Yun Kouga! I don't know what's going on this year, but it seems that artists I like are determined to force me to watch mecha by doing the character designs. I don't like mecha; I can tell you that for nothing. I can't think of anything more boring than watching big robots fighting (although if the robots come with electro music a la Daft Punk, then I don't mind so much). Also, I haven't watched any Gundam, ever. Am I going to have to watch this one? I watched Code Geass earlier this year, and liked it a lot, despite myself. Because, if you look past the giant robots, Mecha does tend to come with pretty characters and lots of fanservice.
Hmm, maybe I'll see how much I've got on my plate come October, and then decide if I'm going to watch it or not. The animation might be awful for one, and I can't see any characters that look like Soubi either.
Comment from: Janine Member
Comment from: speeev Visitor
my bites are mostly better now thanks
have you tried any antihistamines?
They’ve mostly stopped itching today!