Right right right sorry right ok
Right right, so ok, right, yes. I've updated Clematis right, yes, here you go, ok, good job. Well, this page was a long time in coming. This week I had to force myself to finish it. I was very strict and ruled that, until I finished the new Clematis page, I wasn't allowed draw any more Lelouch. It seemed to work.
In other drawing news I drew a birthday picture for Linda's birthday birthday. Here it is (cleeeck for beeeg):

To cut a long story short; this picture is a new version of a picture that I drew for Linda years ago.
This one was just as disturbing as the last. It was another one of those I'm pregnant and going to have a freaking baby dreams. Do other girls get those as often as I seem to? (Although they'd been on haitus for about a year before this one.) Do boys get these sorts of dreams? Anyway, it went a little something like this:
So I woke up one morning, and realised, to my horror, that I was pregnant. It was still very early days mind, but you know, you can't dawdle about these things. After a bit of mindless panic I concluded that I have to have an abortion! All the people were like Are you sure? And I was like Hell yes, I can't be having a baby now! And the Dad, who was some kind of a biological scientist type, and had glasses, and was German (no, I have no idea either, especially since up until this point the whole thing had been some kind of immaculate conception deal), he was all You can't just get an abortion, it's my baby too; you can't just decide to kill it by yourself. And I was all:
a) I'm too poor to have a baby
b) I can't do this now, I'm too young, I can't lose my youth so quickly!
c) It's my freaking body and you're not dictating what I do with it ABORT ABORT ABORT
And then I woke up. It's one of those ones where it takes you a few seconds after you wake up to realise that it was, thank God, all a dream (bwahaha, I was so happy to have my freedom and my figure back this morning).
So this is a bit of a change for me. Normally I have one of those sort of dreams and then wake up really saddened to realise that I don't, in fact, have a baby. This time was completely the opposite; I think my brain has come to the conclusion that I'm not ready to have children yet, no way, not at all. Phew.
Right I've held back for this long, I'm going to have to talk about Code Geass now
Because, at the moment, every day is Code Geass day. Hooray!
So firstly I was all: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!! How long do I have to wait to see the final two episodes of the season?
I am well excited with the development of vengance!Suzaku; he's suddenly become a lot more interesting. And does Suzaku know that Lelouch is Zero?? Does he know? Because half of me thinks he does. And half of me hopes he doesn't, because I want to see his reaction when he does find out, and MAYBE HE WILL CRY. Hmmmm, my prediction is that one of them is going to have to die before this is all over, maybe both, or maybe the whole cast should die to make the whole thing some kind of Shakespearean tradgedy (and if I ever compare Code Geass to Shakespeare again, please hit me).
Lelouch character analysis go:
But does Lelouch not realise, does he not realise, that in everything he is doing, he is becoming everything that he despises? What with all the war and the killing of siblings and the doing everything he can to ensure that he comes out on top: his father must be very proud that his son is such a chip off the old block. Because when it comes down to it, if Lelouch gets what he wants and overthrows the current government of Britannia, does that not make him the new emperor? And won't he have risen to the top in the exact bloody fashion that a good Britannian emperor should? I think maybe that Lelouch is too fixed on his goals to see what it really is that he is doing.
Annnd Lelouch likes to hold that his reason for everything is to protect Nunally. I think he's lying to himself. Sure, Nunally is a part of the reason. But I think that for the most part he is seeking revenge against his father for his dead mother, his injured sister, and, more importantly, HIS WOUNDED PRIDE.
So, um, to stop analysing this so deeply, because it isn't worth it, what I really can't wait to see is the battle between the best friends/worst enimies both out for super revenge yes!
And Finally
I watched the first episode of FLCL on the insistence of Steve's sister Jess.
What on Earth where the makers of this show smoking when they made it? It makes no sense whatsoever and also manages to be completely and utterly cool. My verdict = win!