So, I finally recieved the results for my degree. I got a 2:1, which is not the best, but by no mean bad either. So yes, I'm pleased, although it does mean that I failed my viva yesterday (so close and yet so far!)
I'm glad I did well enough to get a viva though, it means I was boderline, when most semesters I'd actually just been a middling 2:1.
The good thing is that I don't have to remember any more biochemistry ever again :D
I’m not surprised that you couldn’t find out what I wrote. It’s an expression, which literally translated “no fluff, no feathers” as in “leave no fluff nor feathers” (on your opponent I guess), but it actually means that I am wishing you luck and hoping that you will emerge victorious. I have no idea why people use this expression but that’s what everyone says. The correct response to this is “k che’rtoo” which means “to the devil” i.e. “go to hell"…I also don’t know why this is what you’re supposed to say but these 2 expressions combined are supposed to bring you luck. And now you know. I also finished writing a letter to you today (I am sooo good!) on nice Venetian paper no less, so off it goes.