Post reading-week mania
asdfghasdgh... Oh wait, no, that comes later.
First, in real life news:
I had a great reading week last week, and did no work. But I had to go back to lectures today, and I suddenly realised that all my deadlines are suddenly very close, and I have absolutely no idea what I am supposed to be doing.
Luckily for me, everyone on my course seems to be feeling the same way. Every single conversation we had today went something like:
Tomorrow is a horrible day full of horrible classes. I can't wait.
But I did have a nice reading week. I went home to see the dentist my parents. I ate lots of unhealthy foods, like burgers, and chocolate, and chips. And I watched films:
A) Midnight Cowboy, which was great. It's a really good film. But sad. Really sad. And why is it that when I hear the theme tune I keep thinking of Lockon?
I ain't a f'real cowboy, but I am one helluva stud.
I think I've gone wrong.
B) 300. By golly if this wasn't the most testosterone-infused film that I've ever seen. The only parts of the film that didn't contain fighting, contained numerous naked ladies! The choreographed slow-motion fighting was quite fun to watch though, even if I wasn't target audience.
C) You Are What You Eat. Oh wait. This one isn't a film. Why do I watch so much trash TV when I go home? If I never have to look at another person's poo again, it will be too soon.
Oh come on then. It's Gundam00 episode 19 time!
I haven't been commenting on the Gundam00 episodes recently, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been really enjoying them.
Should. Not. Like. This. Show. As. Much. As. I. Do.
I was even getting excited during the robot fights this week. During the robot fights. What is wrong with me? (I'm glad that there was no-one home when I watched this episode, because I seriously cackle all the way through this show.)
Tieria was very exciting this week, with his Nadleeh
super-Veda-stop-all-the-other-giant-robots-with-PMS power!
But but but! You know that the most best part was this:

And not a smirk either, but a proper, I am a little bit happy on the inside even if I won't admit it, smile!
asdfghjasdfghasdfghasdfg <3
Also, I can feel myself slowly making my way onto the slippery slope that is shipping Lockon/Tieria.
I hadn't really been shipping anyone in a big way so far (and already at 19 episodes? Golly), but the silly magazine Valentine's Day spreads have won me over.
It all makes sense:
1) Lockon likes little kids girls (probably), and there's a 50/50 chance that Tieria is a girl.*
2) Lockon seems to be the only person that Tieria doesn't think is an ultimate retard.
= A perfect match!
After the show finished my reaction was this:
- do a little dance of joy
- laugh
- cough
- choke choke choke oh god I'm dying
- drink some water
- phew
- more joy
And it's all shamefully true, especially the dance of joy part. I think my low mood in the earlier part of the day has inspired me to new highs.
* Plus, Lockon makes anyone within a 5 mile radius automatically gay anyway.