Post May-day blues
Kurogane finally smacked his bitch up! More please Kurogane! (But not Sakura, just not, no)
Also, I made sushi today. And it actually looked like sushi!

Cream cheese and red pepper filling - not really traditional no, but I was working with what I had in the fridge.
Note to self: Next time add less vinegar...and less cream cheese JESUS.
Also also, Linda's in town! We're having dinner tomorrow, but I'M SORRY I SKANKED YOU AND JAMES YESTERDAY, LINDA (it's not my fault, my email was seriously spazzing right out!)
And another thing: how great is facebook for catching up with old friends? It's super great that's what.
And after watching A Matter of Life and Death, it turns out that the 1940s were kind of really cool, and full of bicycles and norwegians.