I've been consuming lots of things this week, both literally and figuratively.
Firstly, Deborah and I attempted to make sushi yesterday.

It was lots of fun even if the results didn't turn out quite as we'd hoped. (I think maybe the decision to add sour cream, dill and honey was a strange one. IT SEEMED LIKE A GOOD IDEA AT THE TIME.) But we finished the meal off with profiteroles so it was all ok.
And we watched The Third Man. I love this film, guys. The cinematography and the music and the setting of a bombed-out Vienna all come together to make something quite wonderful. For example: stake-outs are best when you have balloons.
Other things I have been consuming include:
The Killing
The new series of The Killing is on! Woo! Let's hope it gets as exciting as the last one, although I'm still feeling a little fraught after SPOILERS in the first series to be honest.
Handy hint: You know you're looking forward to the new series of The Killing when you start singing the words 'the killing' to the theme tune of The Sweeney. Yes, I am that cool.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
I started reading this book about three years ago and stopped half-way through because of my anxiety. Now I've gotten over all that, I decided to give it another go.
The verdict? This is a great book! Seriously good. I love the way it's written. The first-person POV is very well done and astoundingly fascinating. And the story's a pretty good yarn too. If you haven't read this book yet, go and do so. It's worth it.
Also, when I started reading it before, I hadn't quite realised how many Sherlock Holmes references there were in there, which is quite surprising given the title. In fact, I didn't realise the title was a reference either until very recently (right now, I am making my 'I feel like an idiot face').
Speaking of which.
As much Sherlock Holmes as I can fit in my head in any one time
Guys, did you hear the news? January. JANUARY. Soon we will have more episodes of Sherlock and it will be A VERY GOOD THING.
But, that also gives me a deadline. I am determined to have read The Final Problem and The Hound of the Baskervilles by the time the new series airs. The only problem is that I am also determined to read the stories in chronological order of publication and I've still got quite a way to go.
That's sorted then. Every day from now on will be Sherlock Holmes day and no regrets :D