Hm. So the next time I decided not to do any work came sooner than I thought.
I ponced about with a piece of coursework today, for about an hour. Then I decided that it was Allelujah time. I can do the coursework over the weekend (I'll finish it tomorrow OMG).

My initial thoughts on Allelujah can be summed up as:
- best outfit (although that's not saying much in this show)
- prettiest hair (completely impractical, but prettiest)
- most ridiculous name. Allelujah Haptism? Haptism? Allelujah?
- wettest weekend
Hahaha, then Hallelujah showed up and I realised that Allelujah's hair was a PLOT POINT. I was dumbfounded at first (my general reaction to everything in Gundam00), but then Hallelujah turned up again and just started killing killing killing and making Allelujah cry space tears. Hallelujah is brilliant. As everyone knows, the best alternate personalities are evil alternate personalities. And the more space tears I get the happier I am.
About this picture, Hallelujah looks more compassionate than normal, but I'm sure he's just gloating really.
More Hallelujah please!