In which I fail to do anything useful at all.
Hey guys.
I haven't really been up to much at all in the past few days.
Go to work
Come home
And repeat
Mostly all I've been thinking about has been Seishirou/Subaru. The more time passes, the more I think this is becoming my OTP. Because, because! It has to be the most tragic romance ever created, ever. Seriously. It's kind of really beautiful, in a really really sad way. I could go on for longer, but I don't want to be flinging out any spoilers; it was only once I'd been through all of Tokyo Babylon and all of X that I realised how heart-breakingly beautiful their story is.
There was only one thing I could bring myself to draw yesterday. Click for big (warning, words can't explain how truly awful this picture is. I apologise):

TRC version! The reason that I'm excited about TRC!Seishirou and TRC!Subaru is the same reason why it was so difficult to draw this fanart: in TRC there is still everything to play for. Let me reiterate: there is still everything to play for! I am filled with some kind of ridiculous hope that CLAMP will humour the fangirls and give these two a happy ending. This hope is ridiculous because even though anything goes in TRC (see: giant worms!), I very much doubt that any incarnation of Subaru is going to get a happy ending. That poor boy is doomed; he'd even be doomed if he was a magical pony, or a rainbow (and I'm sure that in some CLAMPverse, there really is a magical pony!Subaru). But! I'm still going to keep my hopes up! Because we still have no idea what the situation is; I repeat, there is still everything to play for!
What have I been watching recently? Round-up!
- Code Geass 12 - Hellooo uncomfortable fan service! Hellooo heterosexual Lulu! (where on Earth did you come from?)
- Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto - episode 10 and I still have no idea what's going on. I really think I need to know my Japanese history much more (read: at all) to follow this plot. But the fight scenes are just so good that I can't stop watching. But why oh why does Okita Souji always have to be dying in every series he's in? It makes me sad T_T
- Celebrity Big Brother - Brilliant. I love the way that the housemates keep doing Bo Selecta impersontations of Michael Jackson, even though Germaine looks really uncomfortable every time they do.