Gundam00 news day
Finally, we get some news about the second season of Gundam00.
I am meant to be doing a lot of work today, but I am suddenly far too excitable.
There are many many things to get excited about:
1. TIERIA IS IN THE SECOND SEASON. Look at him, he's there! He's there! I can watch it happily if Tieria is in the second season! And, apparently, the text seems to say that he didn't die and that it is our Tieria, hooray! (I was so worried that we'd have to put up with just Regene, and I know Regene has the same face and all, but that's not Tieria.) Oh T-chaaaan ;_;
2. Hello crazy outfits. What is this, a CABARET or something? Oh well, I don't mind. The outfits look pretty fabulous to me. AND, there is not one pink cardigan in sight *rejoice*
3. Lockon. It says Lockon Stratos. Lockon is there in the second season. Look at him. Now, speculation suggests to me that this may be Lyle rather than Neil, and just reusing a code name (if so, Lyle, WTH are you doing there?) but he is still called Lockon. Lockon is there. Also, regardless of whether it is Neil or Lyle, Lockon/Tieria: I will be shipping it SO HARD. And with Lyle it would just get so interesting, and possibly Tieria may get even more moe.
(When did I stop caring about the plot, and only caring about who Tieria falls in love with? I don't know!)
2. Allelujah seems to have finally realised the boon of having depth perception, and has now changed his haircut accordingly. In fact, he is the only character that seems to look any kind of different, at all.
3. Why doesn't Setsuna look any older? I wasn't expecting it from the others, but Setsuna's a growing boy! Obviously an impoverished and war-torn childhood has left Setsuna a little on the short side. And even with Lockon making him drink all that milk too. Poor Setsuna (looks like he's still shorter than Tieria, hahaha).
4. Even the Gundams look the same. What's going on? Part of me is kind of amused that Tieria still gets the frumpy one.
The second season looks just like the first season at the moment, only slightly more fabulous.
Also, Tieriaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! And Lockonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! *tears of joy*
In other second season news, but this time Code Geass:
Sayoko is actually AMAZING. I never thought I'd come to like her this much. And Orange-kun is still kind of funny (but he'll never beat Patrick on funniness).
Comment from: Janine Member
Comment from: mariya Visitor
Janine, this is for you
Hahahahaha. Awesome.
It’s a bit of a shame that it doesn’t have the lyrics on it so you can’t rickroll people while you’re wearing it, but then I suppose they didn’t have the licence to use them.
Hey, you said you were looking for a song for a first dance for your wedding… I think I just had an idea!
Either that, or you could try caramelldansen: