Christmas is OVER!
Hi all!
Did you have a nice Christmas? I hope you did. I had a good time. And I got some nice presents, such as: The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins, a lovely dress from Mariya, and a Gorrilaz artbook :D
Hopefully I'll take a photo of the new dress soon, when I wear it, because it's too cold to play dress-up right now. I've also got to show you photos of my sexy new boots and skinny jeans that I got in the sales. Finally I am fashionable again! And finally I can dress like Allelujah!
Before that, let me show you some photos of my Christmas:

This is the sole Christmas decoration in our flat. It was cheery before, but now it's kinda dying, after I tried to look after it with my green fingers of death.

Christmas at my parents' house.

Christmas dinner at my parents' house.
After the family Christmas, I went back to London do see Nick, Linda and Steve who came to visit. It was flipping cold the whole time (it still is in fact). We did lots of fun stuff like bowling, walking in a cold park, eating curry, and seeing MAJOR CELEBRITY Tommy Walsh from Ground Force in a pub.

We also had snacks in James' house and were able to behold Linda's stable thighs - they're so amazing at holding stuff. But not only that, Linda subsequently went to get her eyes lasered, and now she can shoot laser beams from her eyes like the X-men and can also swim in a graph!

Inside a pub, but not the one that contained MAJOR CELEBRITY Tommy Walsh from Ground Force.
We then had a look around the new Saatchi gallery, which is pretty nice. I'm not normally a fan of modern art, but the artwork there was all pretty interesting, and the wooden floors were good too. I mostly spent my time taking photos of stuff, while Nick and James spent their time comparing the genitalia on the various bodies hanging from the ceiling. Good times.

Other news of import:
I finished reading The Count of Monte Cristo! It was a rip-roaring read from the start to the finish. I highly recommend reading it if you fancy reading a tale of intrigue, adventure, vengeance and lesbians. I think I'm going to have to try my hand at The Three Musketeers now. Also, I still need to rewatch the count in a skintight flightsuit Gankutsuou like burning.
And then there were New Year's resolutions
My new years resolutions are:
1. Learn to play the piano - too expensive
2. Buy some boots and skinny jeans - completed in 2008
3. Start drawing Clematis again - oh God YES
4. Get a Nintendo DS - I'm not sure on this one. I don't know if I'd use it enough to warrant the initial outlay of cash, but if I did buy it it would help to KICKSTART THE ECONOMY
But my main resolution is a SRS BSNS kind of resolution. Let me tell you it.
Through my mental trials and tribulations recently, I've been trying to get my head straight. I wanted to work out what it is that I want from life, and how I can live with no regrets. The aim being that, when I come to the end of my days, I can look back on my life and be satisfied with what I've accomplished. And I've come to the realisation that what I really want is to make a mark on the people around me. If people can think of me with affection, then that's all I need. So, my resolution is to try to make at least one person happy each day. It doesn't have to be much, a joke, a friendly conversation, or even a smile will do. If each night I can tell myself that at least one person's day has been brightened, if only a little, by me, then I'll be happy.
I like this resolution. It's achievable and it makes me feel better. Feel free to use it for yourself if you think it'll help you too. I think focussing on the little pleasures of life may well be the way to go.
OK. After all that srs bsns, it's time for some good old...
Do you remember how I mentioned that Lockon likes wearing Rick Astley's clothes? Well, I just took that idea one step further, or, as some might say, one step too far. Click for big.

We're no strangers to love. You know the rules and so do I.