Cardigan-chan again
Let me recount my day to you, and keep in mind that I've got a lot of dissertation proposal that I should be writing.
- wake up after not enough sleep - 7am
- go to library, re: dissertation proposal - 10am
- go to watch Deborah abseil off the side of her building - 1pm
- wait around in the cold and the rain for the abseiling - ages
- it's finally Deborah's turn to abseil off the building, by which time I am absolutely freezing cold - 3:30pm
- go home and drink lots of hot drinks + sit in a blanket + have a warm nap under my duvet - 5pm
So, um, I didn't get much work done. But I was so cold that I really had to recoup lots when I got home. The good news is that I did warm up, and when I woke up from my nap (7pm) I felt all fuzzy and cosy and comfortable. And then I got an idea to draw fanart (click for big):

You see, I have come to believe, in my own fandom canon, that Tieria can be really unwittingly adorable when he forgets himself (like when he's just woken up).
I also like to think that he is so bitchy and snarky and unforgiving because he just doesn't know any better. He has no empathy at all, and I like to think that this is because he was made/programmed/unleashed into the world not too long ago, and that he doesn't have much experience with dealing with other people. But he's learning, and that shows from his smile and 'so this is humanity?' when he sees Lockon forgive Setsuna; he's probably never seen forgiveness before, and it has a big impact on him. In other words, by the end of the series I reckon Tieria will be a happy bunny (if he's not dead, that is, but if he does die it will probably some significant sacrifice, personal growth, yadda yadda, I hope it never happens).
tl;dr, Tieria is cute when he yawns.