All the different flavours of crisps
I spent my book token this week. It was only when I put my new book on by bedtime reading pile, that I realised quite how massive it is.
My new book is as big as my old book!

Woo! Sherlock Holmes is in the house! How I have managed to go 26 years without reading any of these stories, I don't know. Time to fix it now :D
I also bought Good Omens because everyone and their aunt raves about how good it is, so I figured I should finally read it. And I should have The Three Musketeers winging its way to me very soon too (Dumas! Get in!)
I have £5 left to spend on this book token. I might wait and see if anything else catches my eye.
In other news, I've been watching some good shows this week.
Good shows I have watched this week
1. Psychoville - Series 2
God, this show is scary. The League of Gentlemen was comedy with a touch of horror, whereas Psychoville is horror with a touch of comedy. I spend more of my time cowering rather than laughing. But in a good way!
2. Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle - Series 2
I am so happy that this show is back for a second series! Stewart Lee is a very funny man. While watching the first episode, I think I laughed loud enough to annoy the people in the flat next door. He has a sense of timing that's unconventional but amazing; I laughed more when he wasn't talking than I did when he was talking (p.s. that was a compliment).
There are quite a few clips of the show on YouTube if you go looking for them, but this is one of my favourite parts from the first series.
Stewart Lee talks about rappers.